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Everything you want to know about Cub Scouts

Meetings and Logistics

1. When are the meetings?

Our meetings are held on Fridays at 7:00 PM, most often at Macland Presbyterian Church - although your Den Leader may, from time to time, hold a meeting at another location. We typically have three meetings per month- two meetings with just the Den, and one meeting as the whole Pack. We typically follow the Cobb County Public Schools calendar- if school is in session, we will meet!


2. How do I find out what den we are in?

All dens are arranged by age and rank. You will find out during our New Parents’ Orientation Night, usually in late August/early September. See Pack schedule for actual date and time. 


3. Uniforms?

Pack 702 has two uniforms. We have Class A which consists of a uniform shirt, uniform pants, belt (which is used to hold the adventure loops that your Scout will earn), neckerchief, slide or woggle, and hat. Official BSA pants are optional and we try to pass down gently used items that aren't needed anymore. Everything can be purchased at the Scout Shop, which is at the Atlanta Area Council headquarters, located next to Truist Park in Cobb County. Class B uniform is Pack t-shirt and/or den shirt.


4. When will den meetings start?

Den meetings will start after you are assigned to a den and two parents volunteer to be the den leader and assistant den leader. New dens and leaders will have a lot of help from experienced leaders in the pack. So, feel free to volunteer. We will get you on the path to becoming a great leader!


5. When is the pinewood derby?

Pinewood Derby is held in January. We typically have an overnight event the night before.


1. What is the cost for a new scout sign up?

The annual national dues for a member of Scouts BSA is $80 (effective August 1, 2023), and there is a one-time joining fee of $25. NONE of these dues stay with the pack. Checks are payable to Boy Scouts of America or you can register online here.  

Once signed up and national dues are paid, later in the year we will collect pack dues for the next program year. The pack dues are $75 for activities that run for all 12 months (yes, summer too!). The majority of these dues stay with the pack and cover most of the activities for the current school year (August to July).  Pack dues will cover all advancement awards, a neckerchief upon crossover to the next rank,
and defray the majority of the costs of our annual program (i.e., camping, outings), the cost of the pinewood derby car kit, and much more!

2. Can I pay later?

The Boy Scouts of America fees are due at the time of registration, but there is financial assistance to help with those costs if need be, you would need to fill out a paper application (instead of the online registration) and fill out the Pack's financial assistance form and send both to There is also support from Friends of Scouting which can assist with uniforms. Pack dues are typically collected no later than the November pack meeting, after the popcorn fundraiser, where Scouts have the opportunity to raise the money themselves (and learning a lot of great skills in the process!). If this is still inconvenient, then please speak with thTreasurer about a payment plan.

3. Why do different packs charge different dues?

Pack 702 dues are $75, which is in the average range. Packs that have higher dues may schedule more expensive activities, fund everything, or have expenses other packs do not have (i.e. fees for facilities). Also, remember that at Pack 702, scouting is a year-round activity, not just during the school year.


1. I’m a parent. Do I have to attend the meetings?

At the Lion and Tiger rank, parental involvement is 100% required. The program is set up so that parents are involved with their Scout and working on their adventures. This means that parents attend the den meetings with their Scout. Trust us- the parents have just as much fun (if not more) than their Scouts at the den meetings!

At older ranks (Wolf and Bear), we strongly encourage all parents to continue to attend den meetings with their Scout.

2. Can the whole family attend meetings and outings?

Absolutely! Not only can registered Scouts participate fully in the Cub Scouting program, but our Pack meetings and most activities are open to siblings as well.

For the protection and safety of our youth, all parents need to complete and stay current with Youth Protection training. There are several ways that this can be accomplished- our council hosts two in-person sessions each year (Fall and Spring), and the YPT course can be completed online at any time, free of charge.

3. How can I volunteer?

This is our FAVORITE question! Without adult volunteers, we cannot offer the programming and activities that you have come to expect from a quality unit like Pack 702.

Any parent that wants to step up and volunteer is welcome to do so. We have a wide variety of positions available and are always looking for a willing parent to pitch in. This can be in a wide variety of roles, from helping a den leader with a meeting, to organizing an event, to serving on the Pack Committee, to becoming a Den Leader. Den Leaders have to register with Scouts BSA and agree to a criminal background check. All dues for registered adult leaders are paid for by the Pack. Don’t worry- it’s super easy, the entire curriculum is arranged, and there are a ton of web-based training modules for every position in Cub Scouting.

Still have questions?

Please feel free to contact Pack Committee Chair anytime!

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