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New Cub Parent Orientation

Welcome to Cub Scouts Pack 702! Looking for more information on Cub Scouts and the Atlanta Area Council? Download the following guide that will help answer some of your questions and give you more information about Cub Scouts.  Cub Scout Parent Orientation Guide

We will hold our next New Family Orientation in August. Please join us to learn more about Pack 702. If you have any questions, please contact us at

We look forward to having you in our PACK!

Membership Applications

Online applications are preferable. You can fill out a youth and/or adult application.



Download paper Youth Application

Download paper Adult Application

If you have questions please contact us at

Annual Health Medical Forms (AHMR)

The Annual Health and Medical Record (AHMR) serves many purposes. Completing a health history promotes health and awareness, communicates health status, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information.

Poor health and/or lack of awareness of risk factors has led to disabling injuries, illnesses, and even fatalities. Because we care about our participants’ health and safety, the Boy Scouts of America has produced and required use of standardized annual health and medical information since at least the 1930s.

The good news is that completing the form is easier than ever. Simply click here or the button below to access the new form. Fill it out in your browser and then click print. Signed your printed copy and bring it to the next Pack meeting to turn in to your Den Leader.

Helpful tip: To save time, save the file to your computer once you have completed it. Then next time you need it, simply update  information that has changed, print and sign the newest version.

Completed and signed forms are currently turned in to the Committee Chair for safekeeping.

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